

3D, Cinema4d, Unity

In India it is very common to hire domestic help to work at home. the job can vary from cooking to cleaning and taking care of yong kids or elder family members. For me, I had bharoti di as my nanny. She raised my sister and I since we were born, but along the way I stopped seeing her as a nanny but also as an important mother figure. But I couldn’t help notice how differently my mother and nanny would use the space or how differently they were treated.

In this work I really wanted to highlight this class border between the women I love and how because of this unsaid rule, they use the spaces in our house differently.

I recreated my old house and my memories in the form of cardboard shoebox craft. Personally I've always wanted to shrink myself and visit barbie dream houses or walkthrough my 3d crafts. I thought it was a nice way to explore my childhood memories.