

Collaborative work
spatial installation

Substance-less is a spatial installation experiment to play with the idea of how a lack of substance can nonetheless fill a room in connection to its surroundings. Exploring with inflatables to create, deflate and inflate pockets of intimate spaces for humans to interact and play.

Using a microphone and ultrasonic distance sensor we sense the atmosphere of the room. This data is used to inflate and deflate our plasticsoftbody sculptures based on sound levels and movement throughout the room.

If the visitors remained quiet and stand far apart from one another, the balloon sculptures would inflate, thus creating more intimacy. If the visitors would pack up to each other and produce more chatter and noise the inflatables would deflate, thus creating more space. This interplay creates a balance between spaciousness and intimacy and is maintained by the feedback-loop between the environment and it’s users.

This work was done in collaboration with Jeroen Meijer, Iseult Pigot, Paul Tesselaar, Ines Delgado and lead by Maarten Keus.