
KABK Garden

Community garden project
2018 - Current

This is a community project which started in 2018 September with 18 classmates and project head Jonathan Looman. We transformed a 52msq courtyard space in the KABK building into a vertical garden space using principles of permaculture.

It is a space made to escape the work and stress of the academy to sit and interact with nature. The garden is designed and pathed towards a community space at the back and a smaller space for one to sit in isolation to cocoon themselves surrounded by a wall of fresh green plants.

It is an open space where students can come and take herbs and vegetables grown in the garden or adopt a crate where they can grow their desired plant or contribute their waste to our compost tumbler in exchange for rich compost for their own plants/garden and take part in our little community.
During the winter months we produced our own compst from scratch and collectively designed the space to prepare for the buildup in the summer. One of my main tasks was to help prepare the soil and sow the seeds and take care of the plants.

The Garden is still being maintained and by a collective of students and is flourishing into a beautiful, peaceful community space.
