
Anything but a Hole

Kabk Grad show
interactive installation

“Anything but a Hole” is an interactive installation that explores the cultural significance of the meaning of the bellybutton and its sexualisation for women in India.

The installation has five narrations that are triggered by different large soft sculptures of the bellybutton. The audio is paired with a haptic belt (vibration belt) which is connected to the viewer's navel as well. The installation is pushing the idea of storytelling in a tactile way where the stories of the bellybutton can be sensed by our sixth sense otherwise known as gut feeling which is located behind the navel. The vibration in the navel resonates throughout the body and stays beyond the installation, fulfilling the main goal of the work; to understand body politics and sexualization of women in India by the bellybutton and understanding the importance of one’s own bellybutton by bringing intention and attention to it.